Every great cocktail has a special ingredient.



Great spirits companies find success by aligning their brands with retailers that exhibit similar characteristics to their target consumers. VIP helps regional and national spirits brands identify these retailers by providing highly-detailed account information from our large data collection network, which includes data from NABCA and others. With this knowledge, spirits brands can partner with the right distributors, monitor success at retail accounts, and discover new opportunity accounts or markets.


In the past, many spirits brands had a limited ability to know what was happening to their products in the marketplace. But now with VIP’s data and technology innovations, an age of transparency is emerging for these companies. In addition to account information, VIP provides distributor price-to-retailer (PTR) data to spirits brands. Awareness of pricing behavior enables our spirits customers to position themselves as the well brand at on-premise accounts, organize successful promotions, and more.


If you work for a large multinational holding company that runs dozens of brands, or if you run a craft distillery with more modest production capacity and goals, the knowledge and expertise that you’ll gain with VIP's system will fundamentally transform the way you do business. You’ll save time and capitalize on new opportunities. You’ll also be working with the same systems used by Diageo, Pernod Ricard, Bacardi, William Grant, Stoli Group USA, Proximo Spirits, Edrington, Brown-Forman, Luxco, and more.


We created the Price 2.0 application to help distillers precisely and objectively manage their pricing and incentive agreements with distributors. Now you’ll have access to current invoice-level pricing data and be able to see what’s happening at each price point for each of your products.

One of the big advantages of Price 2.0 is the ability to manage your incentive programs with each distributor. Now you’ll have the confidence that your distributors are following the terms of your rebate and support agreements precisely and consistently, and you’ll be able to objectively determine what rebates are due. The system eliminates the need to validate all the reports you receive from your distributors. Instead, you can just go into the VIP system and validate everything with the click of a button.

Sales Execution

Right before you walk into an account, your sales reps need to know three things: what is the name of the buyer? What happened at our last visit? How are your brands selling? KARMA is our mobile survey and sales tool that allows you to track, monitor, and analyze just about anything in your sales execution. We’ve seen a light go on for spirits suppliers using KARMA when they realize how effective it is at tracking and closing the loop on commitments.

The Proof is in the Trade

The best way to understand the power of working with VIP is to listen to our customers.

“Prior to implementing iDIG, we only had the ability to see sales by product on a monthly basis. Partnering with VIP to capture daily, account-level data has allowed us to manage our business by retail account, class of trade, on and off-premise accounts, and so much more.  iDIG has been a game changer in that it has provided us the ability to see potential opportunities and problems as they unfold and react accordingly in a timely manner.”

David Blain
Sales Analyst
Four Roses Distillery